Lough Tay or The Guinness Lake is a small lake set on a private estate in Ireland’s Wicklow Mountains. This lake sits between the mountains of Djouce and Luggala and is dominated by the east face granite cliffs of Luggalas.
The Lough is fed by the river Cloghogewhich then goes into the Lough Dan. Because the Lough Tay is on a private estate, there is minimal public access, but they do on occasions let the public in so don’t write it off straight away.

There are quite a view viewpoints that the public can get to, so you won’t missout on seeing Logh Tay. The most popular viewpoint is in Wicklow and is easily viewed from the many public car parks along the R759 road. A short walk off the road and you will get some great photos of the Lough Tay.

You may recognise Lough Tay, but can’t quite place where you have seen it before. Well if you watched Vikings TV series, then Lough Tay is the setting for the village Kattegat.

By Britishfinance – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80351185