We got up early and headed to Glebe to see a camper van, we decided to walk there and save the money!! It took about an hour to do this walk, and when we eventually get there we find that the camper van is an absolute sack of shit no other way to describe it!! It had done 500k, and every panel was a different colour it was disgusting although it had everything you could possibly need in it and the guy was really nice, and well I wanted to buy from him, yet the camper just was not up to scratch!! We said we would let him know tonight!!
We then needed to be in Bondi Beach to meet another guy selling a camper this walk was a killer it took almost 2hrs of hard walking, and we finally get there. This camper was much nicer very clean straight body low milage however Jane decided it didn’t come with enough camping gear… yet I felt that this would be a good reliable van I also think for the money we couldn’t have gone wrong however Jane decided she didn’t want it!!
We decided to walk around Bondi beach hostels and see what else we could find we found another campervan for sale and phoned them up they were staying in Kings Cross, so we headed back to our hostel and called them again!! They showed us the camper it was ok It was a Toyota HiAce and had 380k on the clock it was big and had plenty of camping gear which kept jane happy. It came with a surfboard and a bodyboard it looked and sounded ok!!

I made the decision that we were not going to find much better and so I started the haggling!! They wanted $3900 for it, and I had already decided I did not want to pay that so I started the price at $2500 I managed to close the deal at $2850 and a case of beer! We were quite chuffed!!
We headed out and got the guys their beer, and we sat down that night slightly relieved that it was all done!!