This award-winning architecture project designed by creative studio Graypants. This “Garage” as it is known, is set along the shores of Vashon Island in Washington State. Once a forgotten run-down garage was transformed into what you see today, a stunning, amazing glowing cabin by the lake.

The original structure was a tired and worn out post-World War II garage as Graypants explains on its website.
The Garage is a 420 square foot structure that combines new and old elements that have been merged together. The old materials from the old garage have been used to try and keep the feel and remind you what the building was before. The wooden cladding has been used to make the flooring, but underneath the flooring, it hides beds and storage space. You can sit back take in the views and light a wood-burning stove just to watch the world go by.

The garage also has a bar, yes it has a bar so you can host gatherings with your friends and families and enjoy what I think is one of the most delightful architectures I have ever seen.

I am a massive fan of buildings, whether it be old or new or different every building has a story and some history to it, and I just love exploring.
If you know of a building you think might interest me, then please contact us over on Facebook.