We drive to Austin Texas today the shit really hit the fan with regards to money. Mike our Trek America tour guide made it quite clear that he was not happy that we had found out that we suspected he was ripping us off. He basically told us that we were on our own with regards to the food kitty now which was perfect as far as we were concerned.
Jane had been bitten quite a few time now and was feeling not that great, and the heat was not helping. There was a lot of tension on the bus but things needed to be said, so I hope things get better.
We met one of Mikes friend Ally she was an ‘X’ Trek America tour leader that smelt funny and had really hairy legs and gross black armpits.
We walked around Austin and had ice cream we then headed to the river and walked down looking for turtles and avoiding the mass of runners that had descended on Austin.

When we arrive at the park where we were going to meet the others, we decided to start going through the receipts to see where the food kitty had been spent. We soon could see, Mike had been spending it on his own personal purchases and we were missing a couple of receipts for restaurants we had eaten in. Mike returned back with smelly Ally, so we stopped and started cooking dinner on the BBQ, well Jane and Rachel did, myself and the other boys played more frisbee.
After dinner, we headed into the town for beer, because Austin is a student town it was very cheap and the night out looked pretty good. It was full of live bands and pool tables the whole town was a rock town.
But at 22:30 we were all tired and decided to call it a night and head back to camp