Day two began with a lush full English (Scottish) breakfast at 8am. Following this,we both put on some chamois cream to help with our sore bums. The cream was cold on the bum and this was then made worse by pulling up our padded shorts and having the cream ooze down our bum c***ks.

The journey starts well. We went for an hour before needing to stop for Dans small bladder. This was a good time for a snack, drink and a beautiful view over the lake.
The journey continued on. There were no major hills to climb but this also means that there were no good hills to coast down. After 50mins of cycling Dan needed the loo again! He’s blaming it on the energy drink going straight through him…but i was ok? So we stopped at a petrol station for the toilet, food and a pint of milk each. We were greeted by a very helpful lady who couldn’t keep her guts down. She was hacking and coughing all over the place – gross. But she let us fill up our water bottles and encouraged us on our journey.
After another hour we finally turned off the main road and headed towards Dingwall. We saw a big Tescos on the horizon and Dan needed the loo again, so we decided to make another pit stop. On the way in there were staff outside doing taste testing of lots of different food. We ended up trying two different beef pies, an assortment of crisps and some mac n cheese. We then went to the loo and found some gel seat covers for extra bum protection. On the way out the girls outside flagged us down and gave us some free bags of crisps for our journey – thank you Tescos! So our bums were comfier and our bellies were full on free food 🙂

We cycled another 10 ish miles to Beauly a lovely little village on-route. This time it was me who needed the loo! We stopped for 30mins having a good rest before we finish the last 15miles to our destination. Upon leaving Dan noticed that my back wheel had a puncture – great. So we pulled up on to the grass, unloaded all of the bags, turned the bike upside down and took off the wheel. Dan got to work whilst i flittered around trying to be helpful. The sun was beating down and to our horror the two inner tubes we got from the bike store were the wrong size – epic fail. But to ease our pain the man from the shop bought us out an ice cream to share – lovely jubbly. After an hour fixing the bike we were off.
We got 4 miles down the road when Dan noticed that I had another puncture! What are the odds? So the bags came off, the bike was turned over and we started all over again. we were on quite a busy road so we had decided to pull up in someones garden. Handy really as it was very hot and we’d run out of water. So while Dan pulled apart the bike I knocked on the door to see if i could fill up our water. A lovely old lady answered who let me in to her kitchen to fill up our water. Perfect. After Dan had put the tyre on the wrong way round – twice we were ready to finish the last 8 miles of our journey, and what a gruelling 8miles they were. We struggled up long steep inclines, short steep hills and down a few little hills but we just kept on climbing – would it every end?
YES. After a long struggle for 40mins we faced the steepest hill yet. With a 15% incline we sped down the hill for 3 miles right in to our destination. I screamed the whole way down the hill and Dan still did not stop to check on me. He said my screams let him know i was still there! Finally, 3.5 hours later than planned we arrived in to Drumnadrochit. We were welcomed in by a brilliant couple, who are loyal supporters of Help for Heroes, who had their tea wagon at the ready. We got hot tea, hot cross buns, chocolate and fruit, it was a great end to a tiring day. We then checked in to our B&B (see the sponsors page) and headed out for some dinner at the local pub – yummy.
Off back to the B&B for some much needed sleep. Night night.