We had planned to be up and out early today but we were just faffing about and not really too fussed about the time, which we should have been as we had a fair few miles to cover and we knew it was bound to be hilly as the journey to Macclesfield was all pretty much down hill.
The bikes are loaded and we are just about to leave when my stomach readjusts itself and I have a sudden urge to get to the bathroom. A good 30 minutes passes and I am now considerably lighter and I left my “mark” in that bathroom. I did however feel a whole lot better than I did prior.
The cycling today was pretty boring there was nothing of interest to look at so I resorted to reading my kindle while staring at the rear of Jane’s bike.

The only exciting thing that happened was that we cycled past a power station and I took a lot of photos of that…. I had to do something.

We were headed to Solihull as I have a friend that I have known for about 9 or so years now through my kit cars owners club and we have spent many nights at shows drinking and sharing stories etc. However myself and Jane had never actually been to his house so we did not know what to expect.
I sent Steve a text saying that we were about 30 miles away and that I still didn’t have any idea how long it was going to take as the morale was low and myself and Jane were just crawling along at mega slow speed for reasons we don’t know. However we did know that we had to keep pushing on.
We were getting close to Steves and we were cycling through a very run down council estate and I knew that steve didn’t live in a place like that but in the back of my mind I was thinking maybe he does….
We finally get to the street that Steve and his family live on and I figured his house would be easy to find as I know that he has an old Land Rover Discovery on his drive that he has been threatening to break and make into another kit car so that is what I was looking for. We got to the other end of the road and I saw a range Rover parked and I though ahhh that must be it so I am walking up the drive and thought hmmmm I swear it was a Discovery he had so I decided I would give him a quick call to confirm.
Thankfully I didnt knock on the door as that was the wrong house and I cycled back down the road to find Steve waving at us.
We put our bikes in the garage and made ourselves at home. It is a very very nice house with a great extension that let in a rake load of light which is always a bonus as there is nothing worst than a dark house.
Steve’s good wife Karen was out for dinner with friends and so Steve was cooking for myself Jane and his daughter Sarah. We had belly of pork with salad and pebbles (roast potatoes). Steve did apologise for the potatoes but I thought they tasted great a little crispy but nothing to complain about 🙂
We then had the choice of going out for a beer or sitting inside on a sofa and drinking a few cans while watching TV which is exactly what we did!!
We spend a lot of time in bars and restaurants and over the last two weeks we have not had the chance just to relax on a sofa so this is what we did.
Thanks to Steve and his family for making us feel at home and for putting us up for the night. It was very much appreciated.
It was time for bed at about 00:00